Online Ijaza Program with Sheikha Umm Hisham

Online Ijaza Program with Sheikha Umm Hisham

Online Ijaza Program with Sheikha Umm Hisham

01 December 2021



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

By Allah’s permission
Fajr Quran Centre has been able to present

Online Ijazah Quran Programme With Sheikha Umm Hisham


Obtained Several Professional Ijazah

She obtained Ten Reading (القراءات العشر) Profesional Ijazah The way to get Ijaza in memorizing Quraan (Assem (Hafs-Shuba), Nafea’ (Qaloon-Warsh), Ibnkathir (Albazi-Qanbal), Abu-Gaafar (Benwardan-Benjamaz), Hamza (Khalaf-Khald), IbnAmmer (Hisham-Ibzakwan), Abi Amr Albasri Aldawi and Alsosi, Yaqub Albasri (Roris-Roaah), Alksayi (Abo Alharith- Aldwri), Khalaf the 10th (Edris-ishaaq)).

The way to get Ijazah in memorizing Tuhfat Al- Atfal, Al-Muqadimah Al -Jazarriyah, Al- Qaidah Al – Nooranniyah & Noor Al- Bayan. Also to obtain a Certificate of Proficiency Reciting in Quraan and Testing in Tajweed.

What is the meaning of Ijazah?

In this online Ijaza Programme, students will get an Ijazah from an effectively confirmed Sheikha or researcher. This ijaza can be obtained from recitation or memorization of the Quran with Tajweed, mutoon & hadith to the Sheikha. The Sheikha or female tutor will listen carefully the entire Quran, Mutoon & Hadith from the student.

Ijaza will be issued once the student will complete the entire Quran, Mutoon & Hadith to the Sheikha. In this programme Ijaza will be given in any Qiraah & Mutoon.

Who can join this Programme?

  • Muslim women of all ages
  • Classes are online so one must be extremely committed while taking them
  • This programme is planned for those who are very keen to learn from it

Grab it Fast! ONLY for 6 sisters!

2 to 3 lessons weekly
30 minutes for each student
Live Session on Google Meet App

Infaq :
Click here (the Package & Fees)

Ijaza Enrollment Form

Education Investment

Dear candidates FQC Is open for admissions now. LIMITED SEATS! (Part of the fees is used for those who do not have home or shelter for providing basic life necessities).

  • Native speakers
  • Qualified teacher
  • Flexible schedule
  • Exclusive class
  • An affordable price
  • Full admin support
Adult Enrollment Child Enrollment