18 April 2022
In this Juz of the Qur’an, we cover two chapters – al-Hijr (Rocky Tract) and al-Nahl (the Bee). The first of these two was revealed at a time when persecution of the Prophet and his followers was at its peak and Islam was making little headway in the face of Arab opposition and resistance.
Allah warns the pagan Arabs of the fate of earlier nations who similarly opposed their own Prophets. By way of further warning, Allah highlights how Satan is persistent on corrupting people whilst the Prophet is consoled and instructed to hold fast to the truth and to be patient and steadfast. Ultimately, the Truth is a matter protected by Allah.
The chapter of the Bee takes its title from mention of the bee and its wondrous creation in verse 68 and the chapter highlights Allah’s endless blessings and the many Signs present in His creation.
What can we learn from this Juz?
1• Allah consoles the Messenger (peace be upon him) by recounting the stories of some of the Prophets who came before him;
2• The stories of Ibrahim (Abraham); Lut (Lot); and the People of al-Hijr;
3• Al-Hijr ends by advising those whose hearts are constrained or torment- ed to remember Allah and glorify Him;
4• Al-Nahl is also called the Chapter of Blessings, ponder it carefully and be grateful to the One who conferred them to you;
5• It contains many proofs showing that Allah Alone is to be worshipped;
6• After mentioning His many blessings, Allah recounts the story of the city that was ungrateful for Allah’s blessings and their end;
7• The chapter ends by encouraging man to call to Allah with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and to be patient in the face of any harm and oppression that comes his way.
Dear candidates Fajr Quran Centre is now open for admissions. Please note that seats are limited! (A portion of the fees collected will be allocated to assist individuals in need of shelter and basic life necessities)