Is it allowed to decorate for children for Eid (like balloons) and gifts?

Is it allowed to decorate for children for Eid (like balloons) and gifts?

Is it allowed to decorate for children for Eid (like balloons) and gifts?

30 April 2022

Q. Is it allowed to decorate for children for Eid (like balloons) and gifts?

A. Yes you can decorate your house for Eid, as you’re celebrating.

And I recommend it, it’s good to do that, have the children enjoy Eid and to let them know there are two Islamic celebrations in the year, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adhaa, encourage them and make it enjoyable for them, otherwise they will seek it from the non-Islamic holidays. Keep them happy on that day, it’s a day of celebration.

Buy them gifts…whatever you can and do as much as you can to have them enjoy that day, that’s recommended.

It is also allowed to even use the Duff, which is usually prohibited, but on the days of celebration (Eid & Wedding) it’s permissible.

– Shaykh Musa Hafidhahullah

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